Tao Te – 11

different numbers of spokes share a wheel’s hub
they all stop at the center axle hole
clay can make ten thousand different vessels
the space within measures it usefulness
a room without doors or windows
is only useful as a casket a grave
profit is made on what is there
usefulness revolves around what is not there

Tao Te – 10

affirming presence and meaning
including that beyond
separation yet abides
attending with child-wide eyes
practicing joint suppleness
does not keep us a new-born babe
perfecting a primary vision
adjusting its details
is not defense against error
respecting the unwashed masses
while presiding over decision-making
requires more than nimble cleverness
claiming control over heaven’s gates
and creature’s rights
only harms without a night mother’s eyes
following a way of understanding
open to ever next events
sets a context of doing nothing

birth and growth
having without having
labor for its own sake
beckoning without domineering
measure an ethical life
prepare a mythic headstone

Tao Te – 8

lowly water informs all else
enlivening ten thousand things without striving
flowing to the depths ta*-like

dwelling close with land
meditating deep in an underground heart
engaging others gently kindly
speaking accurately
making with competence
acting with humor’s timing

softly softly without blame

Tao Te – 5

heavens and earth
absence and presence
gaze upon ten-thousand things
as they appear

a wise one
visible and invisible
gazes upon people
as they appear

space between each contrast
pulses as a bellows
shapes change forms remain
pushing moves and yields
the more the words the less they count

hold fast every between

Tao Te – 3

exultation and praise begin competition
treasure is a magnet for theft
unseeing a desire clears a heart’s confusion

wise decisions rise from a clean heart and enough for others
weakening ambition and strengthening community
in the face of ignorance and desire
refrain from offering answers
an encompassing response offers a next wellness