
For decades it has been clear that the current model of how the world works, Capitalism, has passed its limited possibilities for building community. As a result we have returned to wilderness time. Each of us now needs to offer the resources at our disposal to reorient not only ourselves, but one another. My niche is 75 years of white, cis-gendered, male privilege, more than half of which was spent as United Methodist clergy in a denomination that has lost its own way around human identity issues—recently faux-repenting our relationship with the disadvantaged and poor exemplified by Women, Blacks, Native People and setting the stage for a next repentance regarding LGBTQIA… People.

Short-term profit, Mammon’s game, has led us to the negative side of the wild—the environment has been raped and is falling apart; one part of the community has been pitted against other parts to the advantage of those that already have; there is nothing we hold in common that can be defended by a military for the military’s sake; general welfare has been reduced to my welfare and that of my tribe; education is no longer public but private and teaches to tests rather than opening doors of curiosity; politics of negativity, partisanship, and non-compromise rule the day; and you can add to this list.

This site first looked at the Gospel of Mark and the use of “wilderness” and “urgency” as motifs that run through it from beginning to end.  Each verse was looked at anew with both a prose and poetry response. Wilderness is not just a wild and dangerous place, but a place of testing, retreat, and renewal. Reclaiming these gifts is an urgent matter.

After finishing Mark and taking a rest, I am currently in the process of reflecting on Genesis—another wilderness with overtones of urgency to revalue it in our lives.

You are welcome here. Welcome if you are here accidentally. Welcome if you have been subscribed for years. Whether a visitor or an addict, Welcome, I look forward to any response you would care to leave.

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Thanks for reading along.

Wesley White <wesley@wildernessurgency.org>

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