Appreciate Difference

A universe centered on agrievement and blame is similar to understanding home as a whirlpool. The strategies include having one basic target that is grabbed onto. Eventually, having to dance with the one that brought you means the blamer and the target of blame go down together.

The best that can be done if you are targeted is to claim your space. You may well go down the drain of history earlier than later, but there will be no mistake about what your intentions are. The distance between yourself and your blamer will come to be seen. What they need to be an integral identity will become differentiated.

A second strategy of blame is to jump from blamee to blamee. For a moment it may seem that one who blames is able to work back up the whirlpool by jumping from one excuse to another. This approach always seems to run into the same difficulty—a mistimed jump or refocusing of blame. It is exceedingly difficult to avoid the “crying wolf” syndrome. Blame fatigue happens. Similarly, a blamer may find the surface of a potential blamee too slippery or well-defended to have the blame stick, and so it is reflected back (I’m rubber, you’re glue; your words bounce off me and stick to you). Boomerang Blame is the worst possible outcome for a blamer.

Those who appreciate growth through difference are less likely to blame first and then a second or seventh time. Those caught in looking for the world to conform to a need to be confirmed in every instance find blame to be a reliable way to skate through life on its surface. It can be anticipated and expected that blame is prepared even before deployed a first time.

The difference between George Washington and Donald Trump is galaxy-wide—that between “I cannot tell a lie” and “I cannot help but lie.”

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