Tao Te – 16

everything is empty and to be emptied
mind and heart become still
ten thousand things rise and fall
their return simply watched
again they rise and return to their source
a still source is nature’s way
nature’s profligacy is unchanging
entering such constancy begins wisdom
denying ignoring the way of nature begins disaster
trusting such constancy opens mind
an open mind connects to an open heart
open heart expands gracious acts
from heavens to earth
revealing already present Tao
against body death Tao is still

Tao Te – 15

honored ancestors
subtle-responsive mysterious-profound
knowledgeable beyond our grasp
deep into our loss
we can only describe and build upon
watchful crossing a stream on winter stones
alert to danger lurking near
courteous as a guest as a host
yielding like water to ice and steam
receptive as wood to a carver’s tool
hollow like a cave repository
opaque as a pool muddied by cows

who has time for mud to settle
who will wait for action’s moment

watchers of Tao receive enough
ready for change not swayed by its desire

Tao Te – 14

look anywhere – you will not see a form beyond form
listen any time – you will not hear beyond vibration
reach as you will – you will not grasp the intangible
these three cannot be defined or achieved
this is their commonality

above is not brighter
below is not darker
a thread between is slipperier than words
journies return to nothingness
forms fade to formlessness
images become mirages
in silence rests the unimaginable

stand and search – there is no beginning
quest and follow – there is no end
sit with ancient ta*
move with the present

an ancient beginning embraces today

Tao Te – 13

readily accepted personal disgrace
recognize misfortune as a condition of life

what means – readily accept personal disgrace –
accept your unimportance
loss and gain are false measures
this is a willing acceptance of life as it flows

what means –accept a condition of misfortune –
you have a body and misfortune happens
don’t give up your body to avoid suffering

live humbly with your reality
now/then you can be trusted to care for all
receive the world as yourself
then/now you can care for and with all

Tao Te – 11

different numbers of spokes share a wheel’s hub
they all stop at the center axle hole
clay can make ten thousand different vessels
the space within measures it usefulness
a room without doors or windows
is only useful as a casket a grave
profit is made on what is there
usefulness revolves around what is not there

Tao Te – 10

affirming presence and meaning
including that beyond
separation yet abides
attending with child-wide eyes
practicing joint suppleness
does not keep us a new-born babe
perfecting a primary vision
adjusting its details
is not defense against error
respecting the unwashed masses
while presiding over decision-making
requires more than nimble cleverness
claiming control over heaven’s gates
and creature’s rights
only harms without a night mother’s eyes
following a way of understanding
open to ever next events
sets a context of doing nothing

birth and growth
having without having
labor for its own sake
beckoning without domineering
measure an ethical life
prepare a mythic headstone