Mark 10:32

They were on the road going up to Jerusalem, with Jesus walking in front of them. The disciples were filled with awe, while those who were following behind were overwhelmed with fear. Gathering the Twelve around him once more, Jesus began to tell them what was about to happen to him.

on a journey upward
eyes are differently oriented

in the front range possibilities
to be chased for touching

in the pack we search each other
amazed to be along for the pilgrimage

finally the past pulls a glance
over a fearful salty shoulder

into this normal system’s scattergram
a self-reflective moment arises

a pause along a path
to clarify and refresh

possibilities take on probabilities
shifting amazement to participation

The social order has been overturned with the recognition that there is no correlation between greater wealth and ease of entry into that which can only be described as “eternal”. Though Mark doesn’t say it as directly as Matthew (6:19), wealth will only be eaten by moth and rust and stolen away, but this is what happens to the “first”. This is as amazing and fear producing as the resurrection will be as Jesus leads the terrified and fearful disciples to Galilee (16:8).

To carry within us this revolutionary announcement of good news, that will not feel like good news to those invested in power and privilege, and turn toward Jerusalem or Washington, D.C. or Wall Street (nexus of power and privilege) can only set us on edge—amazed that we are actually going there and fearful of actually going there. This is direct action beyond that found in relation to individuals or even crowds of individuals. Amazement and fear are constituent of this kind of action.

Note that μέλλω (mellō, about to happen) is not simply about something that might happen in some undesignated future, but contains a sense of compulsion, necessity, or certainty as in an expected consequence.

To go toward Jerusalem with an understanding that the first will be last is revolutionary business and neither the leaders of the Jerusalem Temple or the Roman State can abide this and continue in place.

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