Mark 12:43

Then, calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “I tell you that this poor widow has put in more than all the others who were putting money into the chests;

the measurement of more
loses precisement
as justifications for more
increase exponentially

one small gift is as nothing
among all gifts
the clink of coins goes unheard
within hush money

all sense of proportionality
flies away
when part becomes most
without jubilation

The disciples were called to attend to what was under their nose, but not being noticed. This is still a key role of any teacher.

By now the Reader is catching on to the “Assurance” Jesus gives as part of his teaching. This “Amen” or “Truly, I say” comes into our distracted thinking that gets caught up with measuring the surface of life (the sheer quantity of money over its representation of our decisions about life’s meaning).

It is within a sense of assurance that we are able to remember in every time of life the importance of the Two Commandments to love life partnered with G*D with our whole being and that love is intimately connected with our Neighb*rs.

To give all, down to our last two coins thinned by our treasuring them, rubbing them together as we decide where to invest them, is a giving of all. This external representation of our life’s continuation in whatever economic system our community participates in prepares us to also invest our treasure of breath and blood.

Whatever level of property we have, there is never an ease with which we give it. A rich man has previously lost his appetite for eternity when it meant losing a perk within the present. This poor woman stands with the woman who’s blood had flowed away for 12 years—the present circumstances involve risk that is easier seen and entered when choices have narrowed to one: change or not.

A Reader can see a widow giving two little coins or her whole livelihood. This is a meaningful difference in participation in the flow of life. It is to appreciate the connection of Love and Justice and find a Mercy connection between them. To know there is a choice here alerts that Reader to look for similar choices in other arenas of life. Be assured, this scene will reappear in Mark and the Reader’s own life.

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