Mark 14:23

Then he took a cup, and, after saying the thanksgiving, gave it to them, and they all drank from it.

a cup of wine
courses through blood
refreshing cooling freeing

a cup of wine
courses through gatherings
blessing disinfecting freeing

a cup of wine
courses through time
fortifying unifying freeing

In the previous verse praise was given for broken bread. The word used is εὐλογέω (eulogeō, celebrate with praise). This is “eu” (good) “logos” (words), or an extension of where Mark began—with good news. Bread and the breaking of it to have a meal together is praiseworthy. “Leavened” bread is that which is primarily turned toward one’s benefit, not the other’s.

In this verse the word changes to εὐχαριστέω (eucharisteō, to give thanks). In addition to containing “eu” (good), we also have “charis” (grace), as in say grace at a meal. This is where Mark has come to as his story moves toward its end—a meal together, even though its participants will all be participating in coming betrayals. The response to good news is a graceful response. No matter what has happened or will happen, we give thanks—it is enough that we made it this far, dayenu.

These two words help define one another, just as does bread and wine, good news and grateful/graceful response, G*D and Neighb*r.

Sabin1193 continues the definitional process by connecting the meal at Leper Simon’s house with this anonymous upper room:

In a poetic way these linking words [“break” and “pour”] serve to anticipate the Passion Narrative to come. There is a graphic link between the woman’s breaking of the alabaster vase and Jesus’ breaking of the bread that stands for his body, between the woman’s action of “pouring out” the oil and Jesus reference to the wine as his blood “poured out for many”. The woman’s gestures also appear to take place at a Passover meal, for the incident is set on the eve of Passover, and Jesus is “reclining at table”. Jesus himself says the woman has anticipated his burial. Thus this breaking and pouring out in the house of Simon the leper is linked to the breaking and pouring out of the Passover meal—actions that, in turn, are linked to the narrative of Jesus’ death….

These meals reminded us that boundaries are inappropriately set by insiders against outsiders. Eu logos needs eu charis.

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