Mark 14:25

I tell you that I will never again drink of the juice of the grape, until that day when I will drink it new in the kingdom of God.”

I am pouring out
the old wine
it has run its course

the new wine
isn’t ready yet
an involuntary fast

a laying down of body
without a rising in sight
another kind of fast

in such in-between times
a new covenant
isn’t full-blown

what we know of the old
persists in hanging on
and will until finally gone

awaiting new fermentation
raises uncertainty
to new heights

Peter’s denial of Jesus when he speaks of suffering and death is a beginning place to affirm that Mark’s writing is difficult to deal with. The matter of having preconceived ideas about what a Messiah should look and act like is one that continues down to the current proliferation of independent congregations.

Mann581 speaks of verses 22–25—instituting words for a Last Meal ritual—by remarking that a bibliography of writings about these verses, “would be daunting to the general reader.” His conclusion is: “In general most works on the history of liturgy deal with the Last Supper and what may be gleaned from the New Testament, but many come from denominational presuppositions.”

Remembering a previous debate about Jesus’ disciples not fasting, we have here an announcement that a time of fasting (not drinking) is upon Jesus, and, thus, the disciples. At question is whether we should still be in such a refusal of all that “wine” means, for everyday news would seem to confirm that we are not yet in a new relationship with G*D’s presence, much less a new relationship with our Neighb*rs.

Myers185 notes: “Mark’s portrait of the Last Supper is also significant for what it omits. ‘Do this in remembrance of me’…. But Mark…cited them in the commendation of the woman who anointed Jesus. Instead of memorializing Jesus, Mark wants us to remember discipleship practice.”

It might be interesting to continue sharing bread with one another, to give strength for a journey continuing toward good news, and to see (not drink) of a cup to encourage us to keep on toward the end of toasting a new G*D and Neighb*r partnership.

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