Mark 6:12

So they set out, and proclaimed the need of repentance.

carrying healing
expecting rejection
we go forth

abiding humbly
stalking off
we go forth

first second
or last
we go forth

together now
then divided
we go forth

only knowing
not understanding
we go forth

So John went out into the wilderness to proclaim a needed change of hearts and lives. So Jesus follows on John. So follow the Twelve and those in this train of learning about our hearts and lives and witnessing to the power set loose when we are in tune with the freedom to continue or change direction. An extension of this is to see changed hearts and lives partnered to change the heart and relationships within an Institution, State, or Culture.

Going forth is important to solidify the flexibility needed to engage one’s next self, as well as others. This is not a spectator sport or a commentator’s function. To actually work on oneself and invite others to that same work for themselves is prelude and process for a proclamation that holds to its current integrity and openness as well as acknowledging where others are located. This sort of proclamation finds its health in partnering for growth and diversity.

There is an old saying that teaching is learning. Stating change should happen has no correlation to actual change. The process of changing hearts and lives goes well beyond doctrine, dogma, canon. There are no universals or particular creedal language that will get to the heart of the heart. This has been true for the Twelve up to this point. We can hear the frustration of Jesus in this sending forth. It is time for his inner-circle to grow up and that takes some real world experience.

Remember the Twelve includes both Peter and Judas Iscariot. I expect if Mark had remarked on the pairings, these two would be a logical twosome to keep Mark’s penchant for ambiguity going strong. If these two proclaim, you could expect considerable difference in both how and what gets lifted up as a way toward change. Now, imagine you are alternately paired with Peter for a week and Judas for week. What might you learn from their teaching about change?

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