Mark 7:35

The man’s ears were opened, the string of his tongue was freed, and he began to talk plainly.

ear bones connect to tongue bones
listen open eared
what is heard is spoken
so it is we grow
one another

another mystery
how we hear
beyond parents and peers
to claim a third ear
attuned to blessings

in a day of excited
post-truth fake news
deafening a sixth sense of meaning
a whisper can still reorient
to say what is meant

for too long we have fudged
a bit here a little more there
until who can tell
truth from falsehood any more
come away to be more here

Our marker friend “euthys” is present in one of its variants. Something of significance is happening BANG!, straightaway, right now.

Wright97–98 comments:

When you start thinking about secrets—people keeping silent, or speaking out—you realize that this little story has quite a lot of that sort of thing going on. The man himself is deaf, and can hardly speak (when Jesus heals him, Mark uses a graphic phrase which suggests that his tongue had been tied up in knots and was suddenly untied); but then he speaks plainly.

The scriptures are full of surprises when G*D is in a creative mood and mode; trees and snakes both outside and inside; floods and rainbows; youngest elevated and powerful thrown down; the discarded being pivotal to any next growth; and on and on, even unto our own time and life—any shift from being shut down and shut out to disentangling binding cords and releasing a plain word in the midst of the constraints of confusion is a blessing.

Listen into Bratcher243 reporting release in the language of peoples we may not have heard of and see if this helps give guidance for what shifts need making in both our personal live and the life of the community in which we find ourself.

In Huave… one must say “his tongue was softened”, in the sense of made pliable; in South Toradja it is said “his tongue became supple, mobile”. In other languages one may say “healed what kept his tongue from moving”….

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