Trust Hope

Hope is forever bumping up against impossibilities. Hope trusts the current horizon is not the end of its sight. This begins to put hope into the realm of the eternal (that beyond), and, to that extent, moves us away from hope that activates action in the present. An eternal hope that crosses impossibilities also exempts it from placing a bet on an intermediate deed. Such implementation builds a small hillock from which to better view what is held as unconditional, irreducible. Acting is to be done in light of this height — presuming a will-to-act, will bring an ethical response to a particular moment.

In a chaotic setting, such as that intended by a current federal administration, there is no one grand gesture, including voting, sabotage, or coup, that will resolve an endemic hyper-individualism. In the face of matters only resolvable in a common setting, the injured are the only ones who can accountably surface and implement a reset.

Hope asks a more prosaic question: “What will I do as an act-of-mercy in the context of someone’s being pushed out-of-kilter by an individual decision or that of a larger structural/cultural blind-spot?” Greed cuts a larger than needed swath and, vampire-like, does not show up in any mirror. There is no recognition of collateral effects, only the shortest possible term of profit.

Consciously acting from a non-negotiable view that all are worthy, blind-spots are to be engaged — individually, structurally, and culturally. Trust but verify; hope but act.

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