Mark 1:20

Jesus called them at once, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the crew, and went after him.

in any given moment
calls are heard
responses are risked

never before or again
this call comes
that response continues

always again and yet
a call clarifies
a response specifies

for now and still now
	to hire on
	by quitting

ancestors are bereft
calls defeat traditions
responses break bonds

descendants are freed
calls accumulate
	on shoulders
responses ease
	rolled away

Discipleship is not solitary. At the least it includes a community of learners.

Established fishing companies such as Zebedee and Sons with partners and workers may be poor in the eyes of conquering Rome and the religious leaders in Jerusalem, but are appreciated in the local community.

We are looking at community stalwarts, not naïve cult-followers. Simon, Andrew, James, and John are of an age where they look for meaning beyond financial security. They would be part of the equivalent in their day of Lunch Counter Sit-Ins, Stonewall Riots, Occupy Wall Street, and Black Lives Matter,.

There is also no reason to suspect that they were not supported, both morally and financially, by their families.

However, at this point there is not much other way to describe followers of John and Jesus than as cultists. We might also call them early-adapters.

The zeal required to follow a leader in the context of Roman occupied Palestine and previous failed revolts also carries blindered vision. The important thing is being present, a true-believer, and uncritical in recognizing any dissonance between strategy and tactics.

We will see how followers of Jesus are found by Mark to be a bit slow on the uptake. They get the healing ministry and its financial opportunities, but anything that would make them uncomfortable, such as suffering and dying, comes later.

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