Mark 1:28

His fame spread at once in all directions, through the whole region of Galilee.

news of disaster
spreads quickest of all

one confrontation with internal conflict
promises another with external occupation

lines are finally finely drawn
no more general self-censorship

champions are drawn
stakes are raised

midnight no more
shadows banished at noon

in energetic bright light
promises are over-extended

past constraints dammed too long
break with unwanted choices

from no choice to too many
promises a flood-roiled disaster

send the news over the waves
standby for an echoing tsunami

News is a neutral word. News also carries meaning that, along with additional news, will set belief structures that shape how next news will be understood.

This is the conclusion to the beginning. Such was announced, a flashback to prophets of old occurred, that line is continued with John unto Jesus, an anointing confirmation is water and a word, wilderness testing is undergone, the ascension of Jesus comes with his owning John’s words, new followers are called, and the wild is confronted in the sanctuary of a synagogue.

What news is there to spread at this point but speculation and gossip. In a time of occupation and rebellion, a time of religious sectarianism within the larger Hebraic community vying for leadership with how to deal with external and internal conflict, such announcers as Jesus might be considered a dime-a-dozen. There is a plethora of leaders with a claim as to how to get out of an ever-present captivity.

News is spreading but it is uncertain news. Questions about which party Jesus belongs to will rise. Is this a new way? How reliable are the witnesses and are they trustworthy to report the pertinent in-formation or did they get caught up in their hopes and over-sell?

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